Sunday, December 26, 2010

Crazy Doggone Holiday

We had a crazy first holiday that was filled with travel. Quincey was great through most of it. He was able to travel for three hours straight in a car without taking a break. When we were going through the Tejon Pass into LA county he started getting uncomfortable. He whined, panted and could not keep still. Five hours of driving, is obviously his limit. It was difficult for him to settle into new surroundings but with familiar people around he soon calmed down. He has become a watch dog for me. He is my protector. Good thing he likes people and other animals; at least, good for them.

During our travels to La Jolla, we went to "Dog Beach," in the Ocean Beach section of the San Diego shore just off the I-5 @ the Seaworld exit. This strip of beach is awesome! Quincey got to work on his hunting skills in the wetland preserve area and he really got to stretch his legs, running to and fro from waves and such. It is open 24/7 and is never crowded. I have never seen Quincey run so fast, so far and his recall skills are superb, now. I had no trouble calling him back if I thought he went too far. I think, based on Q's reaction, that this is his favorite place in the world besides his usual daycare center: Grateful Dog (which is the best boarding and doggie daycare in Sacramento, CA!) I highly recommend taking the trip if you have never experienced this lovely site!

For what it's worth, Quincey is becoming a sublime companion. He comes with many challenges, mostly to do with being young, but he is sensitive, intuitive, intelligent and as good a friend as I could have. I love his personality. He is proactive and positive. I never would have bothered to travel to the beach everyday in SD if it weren't for that little cur and I am all the better for having driven the 20 miles round trip. The hour and a half we spent there was well worth it. I learned a great deal about him and what makes him happy. It rained long and hard every single day we were there but that did not dampen our spirits one bit.

It has also been wonderful watching Q's social skills develop. I don't worry about him around the big dogs anymore. He seems to have learned the lesson of proper introduction and uses a more subtle and mature approach of 'sniff first, prance later-maybe!' This is a big step to adulthood and an indication that Quincey is learning valuable lessons. He also doesn't bother with the aggressive dogs anymore and knows how to out maneuver most.

I miss my family back home on the east coast. This Holiday especially for some reason, I feel the strings pulling tight. Both my partner and I have been feeling the tug of the east coast hard this Holiday Season. We think it is because of the puppy.

My partner's mom got a chance to meet Q over the summer and really liked him. She told me something I never knew about her before...that she once owned a dog she aptly named "Gypsy." I did not think she was the "dog-owning type." My folly for seeing only one side of a person. I was really delighted to know this. She actually got a kick out of Quincey. I know that my nieces and nephews would like him, too.

There is something about a puppy that makes you want to put down roots and spread out and grow.

Happy Holidays, doggonit! Here's to me and mine and you and yours!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Time and the Tide

It has been quite some time since my last entry. Quincey has grown to be over thirty-five pounds and has been through some rough times. He has also had quite a lot of successes as well. Through it all, he has been my closest and constant companion. We have gone through other dog attacks, almost becoming homeless, rejection, eye infections, facial scars, Giardias attacks, warts, demodetic mange and disappointments galore. He is loyal to a fault (he follows me everywhere and will not sleep until I sleep), friendly and obedient. He guards me constantly. He comes to me when called, even at the dog park and has more energy than three dogs combined. He can scale chain-linked fences, can jump over six feet and is as strong as a sixty pound dog. He will be due for his annual checkup soon but he has been to the vet twice since his last yearly for obvious reasons.

I read the pet section of Craigslist often. In fact, when I was looking for a dog, before I found Quincey at the pound, I used to read this section everyday. I get sad when I read "moving, so I have to let him go." I understand that there are restrictions from state to state that require a lot of hoop jumping in order to transfer a dog from one state to another, but I would never give Quincey up just because of that. I have even gone without dinners in order to pay his vet bills because life without him is just not an option. I am the richer because he is in my life. Yes, it has not been easy. I am not a wealthy individual. But as long as I live, I will never give up my friend. He is my buddy and always will be.

Recently, I saw a Nat Geo special about dogs. I learned that when you pet them, there is an exchange of something called Oxytocin, a biological agent of some kind that gets transmitted on a molecular level through the blood. They have found traces of it in the blood of both the animal and the owner after a petting session. This same agent and molecular transfer, happens in mothers while they are breastfeeding and is considered a physical bonding mechanism.

I could never give up my friend.